
first journal entry... not sure what to put here.




redoing some of the theme of my site, gonna be less black and red and more 90s web B)


UPDATE LOG! been updating the site pretty consistently since my last entry. heres some of the stuff ive done: fixed broken images, changed up general aesthetic of the site, updated about me page, added my stuff page and pages within that page dedicated to my interests (still working on those pages), added more buttons and banners to home page. I still have a long list of stuff to get done on this site. schools almost over so i will hopefully get lots of work done! i also planning on updating this journal more frequently, Thanks


havnt updated in a while, i was on vacation in the dominican republic which was fun until westjet (airline) bent us over and fucked us in the ass when we were trying to come home. we had a layover in a different province but the connection flight to my province got cancelled because westjet workers are striking. they kept rebooking us and cancelling the flights so we ended up having to rent a car and drive 12 hours to get home, anyways.... tommorow will be the start of a weeklong sleepover with my best bro which im super excited abt!! hopefully ill get some stuff done on my site this week... Cheers


its 2am and im sitting in my best friends room listening to his bloodhound gang tape (i picked the songs out for him he recorded the tape) im bored as fuck hes working on his homework or some shit. i wish i could get high rn


me and my friend hung out today and went swimming in my grandmas pool which was pretty fun. then we got high and watched sum marilyn manson music videos. my favorite is probably long hard road out of hell or tourniquet he has some really sick looks in em. we also got pizza which was awesome. now im watching family guy and prolly gonna think of ahit to update on my site... cya!1!!1!


i wanna talk about something here, this'll be more of my opinions rather than a typical journal entry. people really need to learn how to seperate art from an artist. im sorry but like cancel culture is so fucking stupid like i understand when an artist does something bad they should be called on it but ohhh my god people act like if you continue to listen to an artist afterward or wear their merch that you support what they did?? like so many artists get called out for sexual assault and shit. like no dumbass, i dont fucking "support" sexual assault?? it reminds me of those stupid fucking "repost this on your story if your against rape... i can see whos not reposting" like use your fucking brain, the only people who "support rape" are oh, idk... FUCKING RAPISTS?? and like another small percent of sickos with some gross fantasy. like use your critical thinking obviously the average fucking person knows rape is bad??? honestly i miss when people were just able to enjoy music and shit without getting attacked like oh my god. i remember when cancel culture got big EVERYTHING I SAW ONLINE was just people hating on people for liking the music of problematic people and it made me feel guilty for liking a song or two by a band that had been called out. theres also such strong double standards too!! i had a friend who once wore her sisters old marilyn manson shirt to school because she had nothing else to wear and she literally got stared down and shit and got shit talked about her by people who were aware of his allegations. YET ONE OF THOSE SAME PEOPLE IS SUPER FUCKING INTO LIKE 80S ROCK BANDS like be soooooo fucking for real i know DAMN WELL bands like guns n roses and motley crue(not pointing fingers at them specifically these are just examples) were doing CRAZY shit back in the day, and there is no way in hell sexual assault AND EVEN SLEEPING WITH FUCKING MINORS wasnt involved. BUT EVERY DAY YOU SEE SOMEONE WALKING AROUND IN SHIRTS OF THESE OLD BANDS AND NOBODY CARES. i just think cancel culture is like beating a dead horse because you cannot enjoy anything in this world without "supporting something problematic" its so fucking dumb and honestly a bit chronically online because normal people whos brains arent rotted by the internet dont fucking care!!! as an individual my choice to listen to an artists music or not is not gonna make or break their fucking career, "boycotting" them isnt doing shit when they still have millions of fans and dollars. its stupid to avoid giving your money to shitty people when you already do it every day by shopping at corporations and idk paying your fucking taxes??? like i hate the mfs who say people are "snowflakes" or whatever but honestly i do think some people are growing too sensitive to live in this world because its a shitty fucking world and if some 13 year old wearing a fuckin mindless self indulgence shirt is your biggest worry then honestly take a look at the world around you and try to form a thought in your tiny brain about something actually important because jesus christ.


went thru my cds and pulled out everything ive never listened to and jesus christ. i have a really bad problem with buying cds for albums i only "sorta" know so that i can check the rest of the album out but i always end up putting it off or forgetting. anyways i have a stack about a foot tall of unlistened cds sitting on my nightstand and so i plan on trying to get through all of them and purge some of my collection. i have some albums i really want to get on cd so i think im gonna try and mi nimize my collection so i can focus on just getting my favorite albums. currently listening to crimes by the blood brothers. another album i bought only knowing a couple songs off of it but so far im liking what im hearing.

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