first journal entry... not sure what to put here.
redoing some of the theme of my site, gonna be less black and red and more 90s web B)
UPDATE LOG! been updating the site pretty consistently since my last entry. heres some of the stuff ive done: fixed broken images, changed up general aesthetic of the site, updated about me page, added my stuff page and pages within that page dedicated to my interests (still working on those pages), added more buttons and banners to home page. I still have a long list of stuff to get done on this site. schools almost over so i will hopefully get lots of work done! i also planning on updating this journal more frequently, Thanks
havnt updated in a while, i was on vacation in the dominican republic which was fun until westjet (airline) bent us over and fucked us in the ass when we were trying to come home. we had a layover in a different province but the connection flight to my province got cancelled because westjet workers are striking. they kept rebooking us and cancelling the flights so we ended up having to rent a car and drive 12 hours to get home, anyways.... tommorow will be the start of a weeklong sleepover with my best bro which im super excited abt!! hopefully ill get some stuff done on my site this week... Cheers
its 2am and im sitting in my best friends room listening to his bloodhound gang tape (i picked the songs out for him he recorded the tape) im bored as fuck hes working on his homework or some shit. i wish i could get high rn
me and my friend hung out today and went swimming in my grandmas pool which was pretty fun. then we got high and watched sum marilyn manson music videos. my favorite is probably long hard road out of hell or tourniquet he has some really sick looks in em. we also got pizza which was awesome. now im watching family guy and prolly gonna think of ahit to update on my site... cya!1!!1!
went thru my cds and pulled out everything ive never listened to and jesus christ. i have a really bad problem with buying cds for albums i only "sorta" know so that i can check the rest of the album out but i always end up putting it off or forgetting. anyways i have a stack about a foot tall of unlistened cds sitting on my nightstand and so i plan on trying to get through all of them and purge some of my collection. i have some albums i really want to get on cd so i think im gonna try and mi nimize my collection so i can focus on just getting my favorite albums. currently listening to crimes by the blood brothers. another album i bought only knowing a couple songs off of it but so far im liking what im hearing.
im watching 6teen rn cuz i finally got access to the other seasons (i only had like 3 an 4 before but my mom chnaged up our subscription services) i usually dont like kids shows but 6teen has a special place in my heart. i ordered a mechanical animals CD which is meant to come between the 1st and 7th of august so im waiting on that very impatiently. i also made a carrd! the links in my about me page.
changed this page back to black and red. tryna change most of my site to be more black and red cuz i missed it. been so damn bored lately so hopefully i can come up with an idea for a new page for this site or something to give me smt to do other than watching tv
My mechanical animals cd came this morning and im currently listening to it. i fuckin love this album! based on the photos on the listing i figured i was getting the variant with the clear jewel case that some of the newer pressings have but upon opening the package i got a blue one! its pretty cool none of my other cds have special cases like that. i looked up the number in discogs and its a canadian pressing from 98' i found it odd that it was canadian cuz i ordered it from the states but ig im just bringing it back home to canada. it souds great so far! heres a pic:
its like midnight?? im drinkin n watching marilyn manson music vids havin a great ol time. i fucking love his music videos theyre so goddamn cool. hes playing in my city later this month and i think ive talked my friend into goin with me woo hoo!! itd be a great last kick at enoying my summmer before returning to hell. i have to go back to school like the 2nd of septempber or somethibg its such bullshit. i nearly failed math this year so i really gotta pull my shit toghether. anyways im going downtown with some friends tommorwo for some event my best friends dragging us to. whatever it should be fun. im thinking about what im gonna wear but man its so hot out and i have no good clothes. i gotta find some or im gonna burst a blood vessel. anyways gotta return to my music videos and then pass out for the night. adios babeyy!
08/04/24 | part 2
i dont have much to say here other than IM SOOOO FUCKING EXCITED!!! ME AND MY FRIEND GOT TICKETS TO SEE MARILYN MANSON LATER THIS MONTH WHBSXJWBCW sadly hes not headlining our date, five finger death punch is, never rlly listened to them but fuck i dont care its worth it. im rlly happy with the seats we got. theyre like the section beside the stage and 9 rows up so we should have a decent view of the stage :]. im kinda pissed cuz hes headlining the date right before my date but its too far to go to that one instead. either way hes playing for around 50 minutes which is a decent chunk of time. im fucking pumped!
havnt updated this in a while. ive been soooo bored lately, kinda sa i feel like im wasting my summer. but oh well.. i keep trying to think of shit to add to my site but im kinda out of ideas :( idk if anyone reads thses but if u do id love to hear some ideas for new shit i can add. i do need to finish my band shrines but ive been putting that off for some reason. anyways hopefully i find some inspiration.
finally saw Marilyn Manson in concert last night!! it was an awesome night me and my friend put on facepaint inspired by marilyn and then we freaked people out on the bus and at restaurants then we headed to the arena. as soon as we got there some people started chatting us up and asked to take a photo with us. when we got into our actual seats we realized we were wayyy closer than we expected!! we caught half of the first opener which was funeral portrait as well as the second opener slaughter to prevails set. during the intermission we got some soda and took another picture with a guy whos face was also painted like marilyn, super nice guy! then finally marilyn came on. it was literally the best show ive seen he was fuckin awesome!1!!1 he played basically juts his greatest hits but i didnt mind. he looked and sounded great, better than he has in years. me and my friend scremed our goddamn heads off the entire show, my voice is still recovering ... we were exausted and didnt end up staying for five finger death punch but honestly i was satisfied with marilyn and the openers + FFDP isnt really my style lol. my friend got some great videos which she uploaded to youtube and i uploaded a couple too! i made a playlist compiling them which you can find Here! we didnt get any photos but i took some crappy captures of the videos so ill try and attach those too! overall it was an amazing night.
Tommorow is the last day of summer break. im a little sad but im trying to make the best of it. I really have to get my shit together this year, i almost failed math last year. im just gonna try and enjoy being a teenager while im still in highschool because its nearing its end. i have no clue what im gonna do after i graduate. ill prolly take some time off to figure it out. anyways im updating some bits of my site like my about me, my marilyn manson page and im thinking of reworking my home page just not sure what to do with it yet. ive also gotten back in to digital art. ive uploaded them to my deviantart my user is ddrmasta29 (plz follow me i have no followers) anyways ill try and keep the site updating while im in school
Havnt updated the site in a bit. my first week of school is done and im onto the second now, its going okay so far. you may have noticed i changed the title of my site!! im keeping my url the same for now but i might change it to the new name if i decide to commit to it. anyways ive added an update log to the homepage so i probably wont be saying much about site updates on here anymore.its a manual log so i may forget to update it when i update the site but ill try to keep track. still hoping to rework the homepage so that may be coming soon. anyways not much has been going on for me lately, just school mostly lol. hope anyone reading this is doing well
This past weekend was possibly the worst of my life. my grandma very unexpectedly passed away and i still cant wrap my head around it. im taking some time off from school to try and get my head straight and process her death. i also want to be here for my mom because we just lost my aunt a year ago. might try to update the site while im off school but im also kinda sick rn so idk. rest in peace to my grandmother she was truly one of a kind..
havnt been at school all week. my moms friend came down to stay with us for a couple days and she just left this morning. ive managed to get one school assignment done but most of my teachers arent really giving me the work so im scared to go back and be so behind. i was gonna go today but im also getting over a cold and just really didnt feel up for it. ive been playing guitar alot and i wanna draw smt cuz i havnt in a few days. might make a gallery for my art on here sometime soon. im making mac n cheese rn so once thats done i might get to drawing to keep my mind off school and life in general.
today i went out with my mom for a bit and we went to this really cool second hand shop in my city. i found a KMFDM cd which im super fuckin pumped about because ive been looking for one for ages. i also got an adidas hoodie which i rlly like. its a bit too big cuz they didnt have my size so i sized up but i dont mind the baggy-ness. anyways ive been back at school and its fucking terrible but whatever i just gotta get thru it. anyways ill try to keep updating.
js got off the phone with my friend and im lowkey so fucking out of it. shes gonna call me back and i dont mind i just feel so like blegh. ive been doing like fuck all lately and shes been like doing all this cool shit with her new friends. its like whatever tho ive just been kinda down overall lately idk. like i said not much has been going on, just tryig really hard not to fail chemistry and math lmao. updates on here have been slow but ill try getting some new shit on here soon
im in marketing class rn theres like nothing to do some im updating this. i only have a three days of school this week cuz theres no school friday andim taking thursday off. going to the carnival with my friends on friday for their halloween event, theres gonna be scare actors, haunted houses and ofc the rides and food and shit, im prettty pumped for that. im so tired of school and its only 1st period GOD. whteverrr woe is me ill survive :p anyyywayzz im js listening to music and tryna make it go by faster so i can go home and do absolutely nothing lmao. my friend is makking a realll fucked up lookin dog in ms paint beside me rn. anyways im bored and got nothing more to write so bye
TOMMOROW IS HALLOWEENNNNN!!! YAYY this year my costumes are so much less put toghether than last year but oh well. im dressing up as jesse from breaking bad tomorrow and on fridayy im doing like a duo with my freind an were gonna be derek and hansel from zoolander LMAO. this year im doing halloween a bit different cuz i always hang out with my outside of school friends on halloween but this year i got invited to a party one of my school friends is hosting so im going to that tomorrow night and then friday night im hosting a halloween sleepover for my other friends. i decorated my house and got most of the stuff i need to host i just gotta try and pull my costume toghether.... kinda scared that it might not work out but whatever ill figure smt out... anyyyways kinda excited to dress up at school tmrw because i havnt since ive been in highschool outta fear of no one else dressing up and every fucking year i regretted not dressing up!!! im in my final years of highschool so fuck it!!
i forgot to update abt halloweeenn but i had so much fuckin fun! i went to one of my friends houses and she had like maybe ten or so ppl over plus me and we just hung out, ate snacks, drank a little, played games and laughed alot LMAO. one of our friends dissapeared off into the dark of the night at somepoint and he started fucking with us by like banging on the windows and shit and it was in a weird way alot of fun, felt like i was in a horror movie. we also fucked with these assholes from school. we invited them over then planned a whole creepy act we'd put on when they got there to freak them out. i didnt think theyd actually pull up cuz when my friend was on the phone with them telling them to come she was acting super fucking weird and it was hilarious. they kept asking "is anyone even there or are you alone" and she was like "yeah i got a bunch of dogs here and were eating pulled pork sandwiches pull up" AND THEY ACTUALLY FUCKING DID LMAO. after we did our little stunt they were weirded out and left pretty quick but it was still funny. after that we mostly just hung out and played creepy games and shit. our freind who was fucking with us earlier kept managing to slip away and freak us out some more , all in good fun tho. but YEAHHH super sick night!! the day after i had a little thing at my house for some of my other friends i missed out on seeing on actual halloween and that was a bit less fun but still fun. i was just pissed cuz one of my friends decided to tell me DAY OF that he didnt think he could make it cuz he had work. BUT WE TALKED ABOUT HOW HE HAD WORK AND HE SAID HED BE FINE TO COME LIKE A WEEK BEFORE. he ended up showing up but i was just pissed that he had all week to tell me he might not make it and waited till the last second. other than that the night was pretty chill. kinda boring tho cuz some of the guys in that group are huge nerds so they were nerding out the whole night while me and the only other guy who isnt balls deep into transformers tried to get drunk. nonetheless it was an alright time and atleast thursday was a great night. time to wait for christmas i guess!
havnt updated here in a while.. its november now! honestly i havnt been doing shit lately. ive been making small tweaks to the site here and there but mostly just been going to school and sleeping LOL. been really stressed about some things at school but im starting to get shit figured out a bit. i got a big project in art class that i havnt started but its been giving me hell.. ive been having regrets about taking a higher level course for art but oh well. i finakly came up with a concept for the project so hopefully the painting goes well. i also have two other projects i have to make for my cousins for christmas which in DREADING. im exctied for christmas break tho i get off so late this year. we dont get off until the 20th buttt that means i wont have school on my birthday!! my birthday is the third of january and there have been many years in my life where the first day back at school landed on my birthday which always sucked but usually my mom let me stay home. anyways yeah havnt really added anything big shiny and new to the site in a lonngg while and idk if i will any time soon. its just really hard to come up with ideas after ive had this site for over a year. anyways sorry for the long rant ill continue updating here and there :)
Ive been so inactive on here for like a while now but i swear ill keep updating every once and a while lol. ive been rlly fuckin busy with school and lowkey just been feeling kinda shit lately but im starting to get excited for christmas!! ill probably update sometime before then but if not i will 100% update after christmas. might make a journal entry showing what gifts i got or sum shit :) anyways not much has been going on i just dont rlly have many ideas for this site atm, ill prolly rehaul some pages over winterbreak. but yeah thats pretty much all for rn =D
Finally its christmas eve!! cant believe the years almost over, time moves so fast these days.im very excited for tommorow even tho i pretty much already know what all my gifts are lmao :) ill try and make an update soon talking about what i got! i think im gonna relax and watch the its always sunny in philly christmas special and maybe draw or something then go to bed. i hope everyone who celebrates has an amazing christmas this year!! i cant believe its already here AND i turn 17 in 10 days!!! im not ready D:
im finally here to update about christmas and other shit! christmas was good i got some cool stuff!! highlights would be a new drawing tablet,cadyass by orgy on cd, house of 1000 corpses dvd, and also a vcr!! i also bought myself tons of shit in december in the spirit of christmas. i bulked up my manson collection quite a bit i got like 6 or 7 manson cds and i also picked up some rob zombie cds at the same time!! and most notably i snagged the dead to the world tour vhs tape aswell as the god is in the tv tour tape. because of this i needed a vcr and luckily one of my parents friends had an old crt tv with a built in vcr laying around so they gave it to me for free!!! its pretty small so im able to fit it in my room and its already like my favorite thing ever. i watched dead to the world and it was so incredible. i also hooked a dvd player up to it so i can finally watch my god guns and government dvd that i got a while back.. ignore the fact that ive had a regular tv in my room this whole time and could have watched it ages ago....something about this little shitbox tv i just got just feels better, okay?? anyways my birthday is coming up in 6 days...? yikes but i ordered a bunch of shit online to dull the pain of having to go back to school 3 days after my birthday :( anyways me and my friend got totally shitfaced last night like more wasted than ive ever been and it was incredible. we thrashed around alot listening to music and then had a really deep conversation and shit. we were u till like 6 am and i managed to get away with not throwing up and also not being hungover thanks god i had been drinking water too. anyways this has been the biggest update in a while i just havnt had alot of inspiration for this site like i did a couple months ago.. im sure ill get back into it at some point but ill always update once and a while if i dont :)
i apologize for slow updates :(( ive been very caught up in school. anyways its a new year!! fuckin gross. but whatever time never stops moving!! im 17 now!! not much else has changed. trying to update some pages here and there rn and hopefully i will again soon sometime. i hope everyone is well and happy.
im sorry i no longer update this site!! im sure ill get back into it some day :(( i go thru phases of being lowkey basic lmao i know that sounds so poser but idk its true and im kinda just in one rn like i dress lame the music i listen to is lame the shit i do is lame my interests are lame but ill be cool again eventually i just go thru cycles like this lmao and me not updating is kinda just a product of me being lame rn unfortunately!!!!!11! neocities is too cool for me at the moment haha i hope u all miss me dearly because i miss yall. ive still been ocasionally checking up on other ppls sites i just havnt rlly touched mine :[ anyways im in england rn so thats cool i dont have much else to tell lmao ill return from my lameness soon but till then byeee!